Records of Decision

            There are ten ROD’s associated with this site. The first ROD was written in 1989 and focused on Area D, the Jet Fuel Farm. This area was found to have a floating hydrocarbon plume, contaminated soil, and contaminated groundwater. It was found that if this area of concern was not addressed, it may present an endangerment to public health, welfare, or the environment. The FAA, USEPA and NJEPA selected the plan that involves the free product extraction and off-site cement kiln incineration, soil venting, and groundwater extraction and injection with in situ biodegradation. This process is estimated to take 6 years to reach cleanup goals at a cost of $0.6 million.
            The free product will be extracted via the four product extraction wells and will be temporarily stored on site prior to transport off-site for cement kiln incineration. Soil venting will use 21 vacuum extraction wells, a manifold system, bourse and an off-gas treatment unit. The venting can be done concurrently with product extraction, which is expected to take one year, with the venting continuing for a second year.
            The second ROD written in 1990 focused on Area 20A, the salvage yard. The area of concern at this location was contaminated soil and contaminated groundwater primarily from PCB’s, VOC’s, and petroleum hydrocarbons. The FAA, USEPA, and NJEPA selected an Off-site rotary kiln incineration, groundwater extraction with air stripping method that would take 3 years to reach the cleanup goals at a cost of $6.3 million.
            The contaminated soils will be excavated and temporarily stockpiled on-site prior to transport to an off-site rotary kiln incinerator. Groundwater treatment will occur concurrently and will be extracted via three groundwater extraction wells for the upper aquifer, and two groundwater extraction wells for the intermediate aquifer. The extracted water will be processed through air stripping columns where VOC’s will be removed. The groundwater extraction is expected to take three years.
            The third ROD written in 1992 focused on Area G, Transformer storage. This area had PCB contaminated soil and after two removal actions, it has been found that no further actions were necessary. Originally the concrete pad where these transformers were stored was broken up and removed, as well as a  55 foot by 5 foot area of soil was removed from the southern and eastern edge of the concrete pad was removed to a depth of one foot. It was subsequently found that PCB levels were above 5ppm an additional 29 foot by 12 foot area of soil around the pad was removed to a depth of 1 foot. The soil and concrete were removed to an approved TSCA cell at the CWM Chemical Services, Inc landfill.
            The fourth and fifth ROD’s were both written in 1994. The first ROD in 1994 was Area I, Former Incinerator Building and Area Q, Fire Station. Both of these areas were found to contain contaminants at levels below regulatory cleanup levels. This prompted the ROD to list the areas as no further action required. The second ROD in 1994 dealt with Area C, Butler Aviation Fuel Spill; Area H, Salvage Yard near Sewage Treatment Plant; and Area M, Building 202 gelled fuel test area. These areas were found to have levels of contamination below regulatory cleanup levels, so no further action is required, other than ground water monitoring at Area C.
            The sixth and seventh ROD written in 1996. The first ROD in 1996 focused on Area 29, Fire Training area and Area K, Storage area. These areas were found to contain some VOC’s. In response, the area was excavated and off-site disposal PCB-contaminated soils, TPH contaminated soils, and demolition debris from the circular burn area and concrete burn pad, onsite treatment of groundwater (a perched water table), and nearby reinjection to the subsurface. The second ROD of 1996 focused on Area B, Navy Fire Test Facility. This area underwent In Situ Treatment (Air Sparging/ Vapor Extraction) of the contaminants requiring 12 to 15 months of construction time, at a capital cost of $510,000 and O&M cost of $450,000. The installation of two additional shallow monitoring wells, installation and operation of an air sparging/ vapor extraction system that would volatize and remove both free product contamination and dissolved groundwater contaminants.
            The eighth and ninth ROD’s were written in 1997. The first ROD in 1997 focused on Area P, Building 204 Fuel Spill Area. This area was found to contain some VOC’s and metals in subsurface samples. Based on analysis of the levels of organic and inorganic constituents in subsurface soils, groundwater, surface water, and sediment, no significant threat to human health is or the environment exists.
            The second ROD in 1997 focused on Areas A, R7D Navy Landfill, J, Excavation area near the runway, and N, catapult test area at building 214. After investigating these areas, it was found that they did not contain levels of contamination above regulatory levels, and therefore no further action is necessary.
            The tenth ROD written in 2003 focused on Area E, Building 11 Tank Excavation Area. This area will include a groundwater extraction and treatment system to control the migration and treat contaminants in the groundwater. Contaminated soils will be excavated, treated, beneficially reused, and/ or disposed of off-site. The area will also have a deed notice to prevent future residential development of the site, unless  the site is remediated to NJ standards of residential cleanup criteria, as well as well restrictions and groundwater Classification Exception Area to prevent future potable use.