5 Year Review

            There have been 3, 5 year reviews, the first was submitted in 1999, the second in 2004, and the third and most recent in 2009. Currently there are no recommendations or follow up actions associated with this 5 year review, as there are still ongoing remedial investigations, studies, designs, and actions still being performed on site. The previous 5 year review also had no recommendations or follow up actions.
            Currently there is restricted access to site soils and groundwater to protect accidental exposure to humans, thus protecting human health. Out of the 5,062 acres that composes the site, 4,427 acres are considered suitable for “unrestricted use” under the CERCLA requirements. The 630 acres that is considered restricted is due to ongoing remedial action and/or residual contamination remaining at a site. This area is still listed on the NPL as the cleanup process is still occurring.